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Ken Riley Photographics
Pittsburgh, PA



Movie Cameras and Projectors Link Page
movie camera image At the turn of the century, (1899-1900 that is), there wasn't much demand for "home movies" yet. Most people opted for the less expensive "still" cameras. The technology of motion pictures was still to much for most people to afford and understand.

There was the Kino II (1904), an amateur camera/printer/projector all together in one box. It possessed unusual features, even considering the professional cameras of that time. This camera has a book value of between $1200-2400.

Also, there's the Ikonograph model B (1905). It was hand cranked and and illuminated by either acetylene or incandescent lamp. This was a camera with a very simple mechanism that allowed the film to also run in reverse. Now the "home projectionist" could do a popular Hollywood trick right in their own home. This one has a book value: $125-250.

They kept coming, becoming easier for people to understand, use, and accept as "everyday". The Cine-Kodaks, Bell & Howell, Ansco, and Keystone, as well as so many others, were now a part of American culture.

Below are links to movie cameras and projectors, film availability, processing, replacement projector bulbs, new & used equipment, and forums to post on or look through.



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